Entrance to the exhibition by the Tower of Eben Ezer


Tel:  (+32) 04 286 92 79


Moulin du Broukay     Cafétéria - Restaurant

B-4690 Eben-Emael


Tel:  (+32) 04 - 286 92 70

Fax: 04 - 286 92 75





Summer (01/04-31/10)


Weekdays: 11u00 tot 18u00

Weekends: 11u00 tot 19u00


Winter (01/11-31/03)


During the week: 11u00 tot 17u00

Weekends: 11u00 tot 18u00




Individuals: 7 € / person

Seniors, students: 6 € / person

<18 jaar: 5 € / person

<6 jaar: free

Groups guided: 5 € / person + 50 € guide





E-mail: artfantastique@cybernet.be


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