play along
sing along
chordmachine,mmm,guitar,gamble game,jeker valley,eben ezer,presenterpro,cornwolf
96 chord entries
save 40 songs
20 demosongs
Use the Chordmachine to make a chord progression then play it back, take your guitar and play along.
Save your compositions in the library and play them later or change the song as often as you want.
This Chordmachine is the solution if you don't have somebody to jam with or just want to practice.
During playback you'll see the left and right hand positions.

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Use the Chordmachine 1.5 to make a chord progression then play it back, take your guitar and play along. Save your compositions in the library and play them later or change the song as often as you want. This Chordmachine is the solution if you don't have somebody to jam with or just want to practice. During playback you'll see the left and right hand positions.